We are like family here at Summit International Flooring (SIF) and we want you to know us like family too! We are introducing you to different SIF team members. This way if you need anything (e.g. – advice, assistance) you know you can come to us first; just like family! Therefore, we would like to introduce everyone to our office mascot, Rocco!
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Office Mascot

What are your responsibilities with Summit International Flooring (SIF)?

I take my role as office mascot very seriously. When I’m not sleeping, I walk around the office to check on everyone and see if anyone has a treat for me. It’s also my job to make sure that everyone eats their lunch. (I like to be on standby just in case they can’t finish it all.) I also take long walks in the warehouse, sit on David’s lap for hours on end, and greet all the new clients and visitors when they come into the office!

What SIF product are you most excited about today and why?

I’m a big fan of GrassLand30. There are sample pieces laying around the office and I like to sit on them whenever I’m chewing on a bone. It’s the best alternative to real grass, and I should know!

What is your background?  What did you do before SIF?

Before I came to Summit International Flooring, I was living in terrible conditions down in South Carolina. Thankfully, I was rescued by St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center in Madison, New Jersey. They took me from the hoarding situation I was living in and brought me back to their shelter. However, I didn’t stay at that shelter too long! In November 2017, David and Gail stopped by the center in hopes of finding a new dog. Well let’s just say, I was a real charmer! Out of all the dogs available for adoption, they chose me. I love my new forever home and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of the SIF family!

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