Giving back with The Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center.

49 million Americans struggle to put food on the table. But there are ways people can make a difference. Therefore, on Wednesday, January 24, Summit International Flooring (SIF) will be volunteering with The Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center. On this day in particular, they are set to have a Farmer’s Market at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Morristown, New Jersey. During this Free Farmer’s Market, SIF employees will be sorting and distributing food donations from Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Stop & Shop. These food donations will be free to anyone in need, no questions asked!

“Too many people focus only on volunteering around the holiday season and forget that people are in need year-round.” said David Numark, President and CEO of Summit International Flooring. “By donating our afternoon to working at the food bank, we will be able to help our neighbors, and in return, help our community.”

About the Community Soup Kitchen & Outreach Center:

The Community Soup Kitchen relies on your financial support to keep the doors open, 365 days a year. Every dollar goes directly to feeding and helping your local neighbors. These people are in need of a hot meal and help getting back on their feet. Operating since 1984, they have a small staff and lean budget. This ensures that all the donations can go towards the needs of their guests.  From serving lunch to their guests, to sorting fresh produce for their Free Farmer’s Market, to helping at a fundraiser, volunteers make it all happen! Therefore, they would love to have your help. The Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center provides a free nutritious meal in a caring environment, no questions asked. For more information, visit or call (973) 267-0709.