“Saving one animal will not change the world, but the world will change for that one animal.” During this season of giving, Summit International Flooring has decided to spread a little holiday cheer to the animals at St. Hubert’s Animal

Welfare Center by starting a collection drive! Throughout the next few weeks, we will gather much-needed supplies for those animals that won’t have a home for the holidays.

With this in mind, we are asking for your help in order to make our collection drive the best it can be! Please consider participating in our collection drive by purchasing an item off of the wish list below and dropping it of at our office. Should you not be able to bring in a donation but would still like to contribute, please consider making a monetary donation on behalf of our company.

We will be accepting in-office donations until December 20, 2019!

St. Hubert’s Wish List:

  • Monetary donations
  • Canned food for cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies
  • Dry cat food & dry dog food
  • Soft treats – peanut butter flavor
  • Clean blankets & towels
  • Kong toys
  • Cream cheese, plain yogurt, apples, bananas
  • Durable cat & dog toys
  • Collars & leashes
  • Grocery store gift cards
  • Gas station gift cards
  • Small animal food
  • Bedding
  • Wild bird seed
  • Paper towels, dish soap, cleaning supplies

“St. Hubert’s is a fantastic organization with amazing volunteers. Each and every animal is cared for, as much as possible, and they are kept in clean and humane cages. This, obviously, comes from dedicated workers and donations from the public.

We were so fortunate to find our little boy, Rocco, there. He was sharing a small cage with three other dogs, all cuddled into a small hammock-like suspended fabric. He was also thinner than now, suffice to say (like father, like son). Almost two years later, I am pleased to say that Rocco has fully adjusted to his new life. He accompanies me to work every day, and has become our company mascot! So for this holiday season, I would like to ask that you please open your hearts, and your wallets, to donate to this amazing charitable facility. Every penny counts.”

  – David Numark, President & CEO of Summit International Flooring