We offer luxury flooring for the most discerning clientele!

Some people feel the need to keep up with the Joneses, but we don’t. In fact, we don’t cater to that type of clientele either.  What we do offer, and what our customers really want, is luxury flooring that sets the standards of today’s design.  Our products are created from state-of-the-art designs and sustainable materials that promote healthy living.

First and foremost, much of our production is done in Western Europe. Therefore, we can offer colors not found by other suppliers. Furthermore, products are tested to GUT requirements.  These requirements are even more stringent than commonly used ASTM tests. However, we do ensure that all of our products are are tested to meet the ASTM standards. As a result, nearly all of our products are Class 1 and can contribute LEED points. For the sake of transparency, we also input our products into the Portico platform, which leads to Heathy Product Declarations.  Thus, our product offerings meet or exceed the requirements for building codes within the USA.

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Environmental and health concerns certainly play into decision making, but choices on these factors alone would not help anyone choose our products. If that was true, we would eat broccoli for dessert, instead of ice cream. Before the product issues are even inquired about, we evaluate all aspects of the final outcome. This includes the construction, design, and color. Each component must garner enough attention to foster the conversation about education on other aspects of a product.

Equally important to our process is the equipment we use. Our equipment differs those used by domestic manufacturers, allowing us to offer textures and designs not found elsewhere. To enumerate, we can offer differentiation of scale of some products. This can range from carpets in 16’4” widths to avoid seams in many spaces, to tiles of 36” or bigger to minimize seams. The result? Luxury flooring that is unique and well made.

Don’t keep up with the Joneses, be envied for your exclusive taste…be the Jonseses.