OBJECT CARPET continuously wins award after award for their amazing work!

Based on their track record, it’s easy to see why OBJECT CARPET wins award after award. However, they recently recently won their biggest award to date. In fact, you might say it was the biggest award of the century. On November 24, 2012, OBJECT CARPET was awarded “Brand of the Century”. Therefore, OBJECT CARPET has known joined the ranks of other high-end brands such as Adidas, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Nivea, Mustang, and Porsche. The ceremony was held in Berlin, Germany, and the award was presented by Dr. Florian Langenscheidt. Dr. Langenscheidt is no stranger when it comes to knowing what it takes for a brand to receive this award. In fact, he has published the book,Stars 2016, a collection of German brands with great international presence.  The book, which is published every third year, was also presented at the gala.

When asked about the book, Daniel Butz, CEO at OBJECT CARPET, said, “we were very delighted to be presented in this form. Regardless of our having been chosen, I share the vision of this book project as a wonderful idea since a brand is always something more stable than only a product. A brand also epitomizes values.”

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In August, OBJECT CARPET was also listed amongst the “Top 50 Luxury Brands in Germany” for the second year. The study is conducted by the renowned consulting firm, Ernst & Young in cooperation with the INLUX Institute for Luxury. Along with OBJECT CARPET, the list acclaims leading brands such as Montblanc, Robert Weil, Porsche, and BMW.

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Daniel Butz, OBJECT CARPET CEO, Julia Butz, and Dr. Florian Langenscheidt Photo credit: Deutsche Standards/ pjk-atelier

Summit International Flooring (SIF) is proud to be the only US partner for Object Carpet:

“It’s obvious to us that OBJECT CARPET would have been included in these top luxury lists,” says, Marc Becker, SIF National Sales Director, “The quality and overall aesthetic cannot be matched.  OBJECT CARPET is perfect for those that want a high-end luxury look and feel to their space.”