We are like family here at Summit International Flooring (SIF) and we want you to know us like family too! Through this segment, Meet the Family, we’ll be introducing you to different SIF team members. This way if you need anything (e.g. – advice, assistance) you know you can come to us first; just like family!

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Name: Gail Numark

Title: Human Resources/Office Manager

What are your responsibilities with Summit International Flooring (SIF)?

I wear many hats here at the home office, I support our very active sales team, which keeps me the busiest with checking and holding stock and sending samples.

In addition, I handle some of our accounting, including managing all invoices and accounts payable.  I am also responsible for some HR related projects, as well as basic office responsibilities.

What SIF product are you most excited about today and why?

There are so many great products it’s hard to choose!

Right now, The RugXStyle from Object Carpet is a hot new product. Freestile, which was introduced last year, has beautiful designs and lots of designers are impressed. Since rugs are really making an impact now, it’s great that we can offer some of the Freestile designs in rug options.

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Any special project(s) you are currently working on?

In addition to my daily responsibilities, I’ve started to visit some local NJ architectural firms. It’s great being able to meet many of the clients that we talk to and put a face with a name.  I enjoy connecting with and helping the designers find the perfect product for their designs!

What is your back ground?  What did you do before SIF?

Prior to working at SIF, I was a teacher’s assistant in the Livingston school district.  I shadowed special education students in classrooms as well as a small group setting.  It was very satisfying following a student’s progress over the school year.  I truly enjoyed the camaraderie of the teachers and also, who wouldn’t want summers off?!


What is your current obsession? Do you have any hobbies? 

I am a bit obsessed with healthy eating and exercise right now!  When I was working at the schools, I was constantly standing and walking around….now, in the office environment I felt the need to counterbalance sitting at a desk.  So yes, I am one of those 6 AM gym people!  But no worries, it’s not 100% by any means!

I am also trying to get past the beginner stage of golf.  It has proven to be quite time consuming so I do not get to practice as much as I would like, but I can survive on a course now!  That’s progress!  If anyone reading this has ever tried to connect with that little dimpled ball, you know what I mean!

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Most days you can hear Gail’s lovely voice when calling our home office. Give us a call and you can hear it too!