Thanks to the international trade council, we are helping others!

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“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” Although it has been well over two decades since Ronald Reagan spoke those words, they still hold merit today. In fact, Summit International Flooring became a member of the International Trade Council in order to help those who need it. As a member, we not only help businesses grow, but also help to fund budding entrepreneurs and micro-businesses owners. Furthermore, we can assist those from less-fortunate countries to receive education, attend trade fairs, and showcase their products.

Members of the International Trade Council are comprised of reputable businesses and individuals, operating in over 76 countries worldwide. In addition to its own member-base, the Council works with a wide variety of external groups to maximize areas of common ground and minimize differences. According to their website, they abide by the following core values to create their dynamic culture:

– Strategic decision making
– Working together in a multi-disciplined team
– A focus on meeting the needs of the public
– Stable relationships between members, staff and policy-makers
– Sustainable development
– A genuine desire to contribute to the global community

The Council also works closely with policy-makers to sponsor the creation of additional networks, forums and alliances which can provide focus for collaborative work and new growth opportunities. This also helps to provide a consolidated industry overview and helps to participants develop new skills.

Becoming a member of the Council brings with it insight, connections and prestige. It could be the best decision you ever made. (We know it was for us!)

In 2017, our membership has helped to individually fund:

• 14 entrepreneurs to take online business courses
• 5 small business owners to attend a trade fair
• 2 entrepreneurs to develop a micro-enterprise

Additionally, we have also assisted with the development of the 2014 mobile medical clinic charity project which will become a stand-alone enterprise later this year. Furthermore, we’ve also helped to maintain an ongoing animal rescue and rehabilitation project designed to reduce illegal wildlife poaching of primates from across Asia and to provide employment opportunities for those previously involved in wildlife trading. This project is now officially dubbed ‘Sunshine Primates’ and will become a stand-alone NGO later on in 2018.

Get involved with the International Traded Council by visiting their website today!